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Will Denny Hamlin Bounce Back in 2014 and Contend for a Sprint Cup Title?

As we get closer to the start of the 2014 Sprint Cup season, don't be surprised if Denny Hamlin has selective memory—if not full-blown amnesia—about what was a terrible 2013 campaign. After all, would you want to try and remember the worst season of your Sprint Cup career, a dismal 23rd-place finish? Hamlin came into 2013 among the top potential championship contenders after having a great 2012, with five wins, 14 top-five and 17 top-10 finishes and a sixth-place showing in the final standings. But all those high hopes came to a crashing halt when Hamlin wrecked late in an early-season race at Fontana, Calif., suffering an L1 compression fracture in his lower back. He valiantly tried to come back after missing just four races, w...

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