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Is It Crazy to Call Danica Patrick a Contender for the Daytona 500?

I can see it now. Danica Patrick, a huge smile on her face, being interviewed live on national television standing next to her bright green GoDaddy Chevrolet in Victory Lane at the Daytona International Speedway. Danica Patrick has just won the Daytona 500! No, it’s not a dream (or a nightmare, depending upon your opinion of her). And it’s not as far-fetched as you might imagine. Look, before you call me an idiot, think I’m crazy or even worse, let me explain. I used to be the biggest Danica hater in sports journalism. Years ago, when I was a columnist for Yahoo! Sports and Patrick was racing in the IndyCar series, I was extremely critical of her. I never got personal, but eventually the hate email I received got so ugly t...

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